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Feijoa Wiki

É um arbusto vivaz ou árvore de pequena dimensão atingindo entre 1 e 7 metros de altura originário das terras altas do sul do Brasil leste do Paraguai Uruguai e. 15Feijoas are affected by very few pests and diseases.

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Can grow to 3-4m so allow 4m between unless using for hedging where u can plant 1m-15m apart.

Feijoa wiki. Forms a nice tidy evergreen tree. Feijoa ripening season covers 2 months early being second week of April like Unique late being early June like 12cm fruited Wiki Tu. Plant in a sunny well drained position.

Partially self fertile though is best with another variety nearby for cross pollination. Pripada porodici mirtovki Myrtaceae a danas se uzgaja širom svijeta pa ga ima i u. Feijoa sellowiana conhecida vulgarmente por goiaba-serrana goiaba-do-mato 1 goiaba do campo ou goiaba-ananás.

Het is een groenblijvende struik of tot 7 m hoge boom met een lichtgrijze schors en jonge twijgen die wit be haard zijn. Compact growing varieties can be grown in containers. Huge fruit on a dwarf growing 25m easily managed and slow growing tree.

Acca sellowiana of ananasguave is een plant uit de mirtefamilie Myrtaceae. The Feijoa or Pineapple Guava Feijoa Sellowiana Berg family Myrtaceae is indigenous to western Paraguay southern Brazil Uruguay and parts of Argentina where it is common in the forests and the fruit is highly esteemed by the natives though not cultivated. An outstanding Feijoa with generous crops of large firm fruit that are ripe around about May.

Fruit ripens from late Summer into Autumn. Acca sellowiana feijoa maleno zimzeleno stablo ili višegodišnji grm nanofanerofit ili fanerofit s područja Južne Amerike rasprostranjeno u južnom Brazilu Minas Gerais sjeveroistočnoj Argentini Misiones i Urugvaju. Sweet and meaty fruit with firm texture and good keeping qualities.

Can be grown alone but will perform better with a partner. De feijoa Feijoa sellowiana synoniem. 1Feijoa Acca é um gênero da família Myrtaceae que inclui uma única espécie a Acca sellowiana nome antigo.

However flowering appears to be same time for all varieties. Feijoas can be grown as specimen trees in a row as a hedge and pruned as a standard. The fruit is ready when it falls to the ground and when it can be easily pulled from the tree.

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