Muskmelon Malayalam
A melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. This will be helpful for students and anyone who is.
24the fruit of a cantaloup vine.

Muskmelon malayalam. Rava kesari with jaggery. Name of local Indian fruits in English Tamil Malayalam and Hindi. Cucumis melo cantalupensis cantaloup cantaloup vine cantaloupe vine.
Apple melon chate melon dudaim melon vine peach mango melon orange melon lemon melon lemon. Also known as true cantaloupe. Small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh.
25Muskmelon കടതൽ ജലശ അടങങയ വനൽകകലതത ലഭയമകനന പഴങങളൽ ഏററവ മകചചതണ മസകമലൻ. Sarah Fung Clinical Psychologist. Also known as muskmelon or rockmelon.
A variety of muskmelon vine having fruit with a tan rind and orange flesh. Shamam or muskmelon is popular in Kerala especially in Malabar region as a fruit from the Gulf countries. 3List of fruit names Multilingual names for fruits.
8கரணபபழ வதயக கய வதத பவடரகக 100 கரமஓடஸ பவடர 100 கரம எடதத அததடன தவயன அளவ வளளர ஜஸ கலநத பசயகக. Malappuram Krishi Vigyan Kendra KVK has proved that the fruit can be.
26muskmelon plural muskmelons A type of melon Cucumis melo subsp. Malayalam meaning and translation of the word saunf seed. Harms Pflanzenr Cucurb-Cucum.
7Local Names of Cantaloupe in India- CantaloupeMusk melonHoney Dew EnglishKharbooj Hindi Kharbuj MarathiKharbooja TeluguKeerini pazham TamilThalkumbalam MalayalamKharbujakekkarikke hannuKannadaTeti Gujarati Kharamuja Bengali. Cucumis callosus Rottl Cogn. Elaine Tseng Therapist Child and Youth Dr.
Australian US A type of melon Cucumis melo reticulatus with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting. Wong Oi Ling Marriage and Family Therapist. Muskmelon recipes for weight loss.
Carol Au Yang Therapist Child and Youth Ms. Malayalam meaning of cantaloupequot. Saunf seed മലയള വയഖയന അരഥ.
Rava kesari with oil. Carole Li Clinical Psychologist. Melo with sweet orange flesh and a rough skin resembling netting.
Watermelon and muskmelon juice. Melo with sweet orange flesh.
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